Proxy Education

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Australia offers upto 6 Years PSW visa

Students can apply for a post study work visa after they graduate to remain, work, or find work in Australia. Stay durations range from 18 months up to 6 years depending on the student’s qualifications and area of study!

Student can fly direct to Western Australia

International students already enrolled in a WA primary or secondary school, university, college, technical college or other further education course are now eligible to come to WA. Under the new requirements, international students must hold a valid international student visa and an approved G2G pass with ‘Enrolled Student in WA’ as the exemption category. Students… Continue reading Student can fly direct to Western Australia

Categorised as Australia

Students can enter directly into Western Australia

International students already enrolled in a WA primary or secondary school, university, college, technical college or other further education course are now eligible to come to WA. Under the new requirements, international students must hold a valid international student visa and an approved G2G pass with ‘Enrolled Student in WA’ as the exemption category. Students… Continue reading Students can enter directly into Western Australia